Simultaneous inversion of multiple microseismic data for event locations and velocity model with Bayesian inference
We applied Bayesian inference for simultaneous inversion of multiple microseismic data for event locations and velocity models. The traditional method of using a predetermined velocity model for event location is subject to large uncertainty if prior information of the velocity model is poor. Our study shows that microseismic data can improve the velocity model, which is usually a major source of location uncertainty...
Resonance in downhole microseismic data and its removal
We identified resonance due to poor geophone-borehole coupling in downhole microseismic data and proposed to use spiking deconvolution and relative spectrum analysis to remove its effect. The resonance may hinder the arrival time picking and contaminate microseismic waveform spectrum. We designed a spiking deconvolution filter to recover the impulse response of the earth. Also, we proposed to use relative spectrum analysis...
Improving microseismic event location accuracy with head wave arrival time: Case study using Marcellus shale
We show that the location of microseismic events can be significantly improved by incorporating information on head wave arrival time. The traditional method of using direct arrival times and P-wave polarizations leads to increased error due to the large uncertainty in polarization. We integrated head wave arrival time to P- and S-wave arrival time to achieve better resolution in microseismic event location...